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Known Breeds
The following is a listing of all known breeds within Australia and links to their breed association
If you are breeding any animals not listed, The Rare Breeds Trust of Australia is keen to hear from you.
- Adaptaur - Extinct
- Afrikaner
- Akaushi - Australian Wagyu Association
- Alderney - Extinct
- Alexandria composite
- Angler
- Angus - Angus Australia
- Ankole Watusi
- Aubrac
- Ausline
- Australian Red Dairy - Aussie Reds - Australian Red Dairy Breed.
- Australian Friesian Sahiwal
- Australian Milking Zebu
- Australian Sahiwal
- Ayrshire - Australian Ayrshires
- Balancer - Australian Gelbvieh Cattle Association
- Banteng
- Bazadaise - The Australian Bazadaise Cattle Society and Beef Bazadaise Australia
- Beefalo
- Beefmaker
- Belgian Blue - Australian Belgian Blue Cattle Society Inc
- Belmont Red - Belmont Red Association of Australia.
- Belted Galloway - Australian Belted Galloway Association Inc. and Australian Galloway Association.
- Bison
- Blonde d'Aquitaine - Blonde d'Aquitaine Society of Australia & New Zealand Inc.
- Bonsmara - Bonsmara Cattle Breeders Society of Australia.
- Boran - Australian Boran Cattle Inc.
- Braford - The Australian Braford Society.
- Brahckle
- Brahman - The Australian Brahman Breeders' Association Ltd
- Braler
- Bramalow - Australian Lowline Cattle Association
- Brahmousin - Australian Brahmousin Associatio
- Brangus - Australian Brangus Cattle Association
- Braunvieh
- British White - British White Cattle Society of Australia Ltd.
- Brown Swiss - Brown Swiss Australia
- Buchan Black
- Charbray - Charbray Society of Australia Ltd
- Charolais - Charolais Society
- Chiangus - Chianina Australia
- Chianina - Chianina Society of Australia
- Coota Park Blue E - Coota Park Blue E stud
- Corriente
- Dairy Shorthorn - Dairy Shorthorn Association of Australia Inc.
- Danish Red
- Devon - Devon Cattle Breeders' Society of Australia
- Dexter - Dexter Cattle Australia Inc
- Drakensberger - Australian Drakensberger
- Droughtmaster - Droughtmaster Australia
- English Longhorn
- Fleckvieh - Fleckvieh Society Australia
- Galloway - Australian Galloway Association
- Gelbvieh - Australian Gelbvieh Association
- Gir/Gyr
- Golden Cross
- Greyman - Greyman register listing in Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society
- Guernsey - Guernsey Cattle Society of Australia
- Hays Converter
- Hereford - Herefords Australia
- Hereford - Cotmore Herefords
- Highland - Australian Highland Cattle Association In.
- Holstein Friesian... Holstein Australia
- Hotlander
- Illawarra - Illawarras Australia.
- Irish Moiled
- Jersey - Jersey Australia
- Kynuna Composite
- Kyrhet Australian Miniature Cattle
- Lakenvelder
- Limousin - Australian Limousin Breeders' Association Ltd
- Lincoln Red - Lincoln Red Cattle Society of Australia
- Lineback
- Luing
- Lowline - Australian Lowline Cattle Association
- Maine Anjou - also known as Rouge de Pres. Maine Anjou Society and Maine Anjou Beef Australi
- Mandalong Specials
- Mashona - Mashona Australia
- Meuse Rhine Issel
- Miniature Belted Galloway.... Australian Galloway Association
- Miniature Galloway - Australian Galloway Association
- Miniature Grey
- Miniature Hereford - Australian Miniature Herefords Association
- Minature Highland - Australian Highland Cattle Association
- Mishima
- Mitchell
- Montbéliard
- Murray Grey - Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society and Murray Grey Australia Breeders Association
- Nadudana - Nadudana Association of Australia
- Native Angus
- Nguni
- Norfolk Island Blue
- Normande
- Norwegian Red
- Parthenaise - Parthenaise Beef Cattle Australasia
- Piedmontese
- Pinzgauer - Australian Pinzgauer Breeder's Association
- PinZ²yL
- Pustertaler
- Queenslander
- Red Angus - Red Angus Cattle Society of Australia
- RedLine - refer to Ausline.
- Red Poll - Red Poll Australia and Red Poll Victoria
- Red Sindhi
- Romagnola - Romagnola Australia
- Rubia Gallega - Rubia Gallega
- Sahiwal (see Australian Sahiwal)
- Saler - Salers Australia
- Santa Gertrudis - Santa Gertrudis Breeders' Association (Australia)
- Sardo Negro
- Scottish Black
- Senegus - Senepol Australia
- Senepol - Australian Senepol Breeders Association
- Shetland
- Simbrah - Simmental Australia and Simbrah Society of Australia.
- Simmental - Simmental Australia
- Shorthorn - Shorthorn Beef and The Beef Shorthorn Society of Australia
- Solera cattle
- South Devon - South Devon Cattle Society of Australia
- Speckle Park - Speckle Park International
- Square Meaters - Square Meaters Cattle Association
- Stablizer
- Swedish Red
- Sussex
- Tajima
- Tarentaise - Tarentaise Australia
- Tasmanian Grey
- Texas Longhorn - Texas Longhorns Australia Inc
- Tropicana
- Tuli - Australian Tuli
- UltraBlack
- UltraRed
- VikingRed - VikingRed Australian website
- Wagyu - Australian Wagyu Association
- Water buffalo - Australian Buffalo Industry Council
- Welsh Black - Welsh Black Cattle Society (Australia)
- Alpine - Dairy Goat Society of Australia
- Anglo-Nubian - Dairy Goat Society of Australia
- Angora - Mohair Australia and SRS Angoras
- Australian Brown - Dairy Goat Society of Australia
- Australian Melaan - Dairy Goat Society of Australia
- Australian Miniature - Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society and Miniature Goat Breeders Association Australia
- Australian Miniature Silky - Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society
- Australian Feral (also known as Rangland) - see Goat Industry Council of Australia
- Boer - Boer Goat Breeders’ Association of Australia and Boar Goat Australia
- British Alpine - Dairy Goat Society of Australia
- Cashmere - Cashmere Australia
- Elf - Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society
- Kalahari Red - Kalahari Red Goat Society of Australia
- LaMancha - Dairy Goat Society of Australia
- Minature Anglo-Nubian - Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society
- Minature Boer - Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society
- Minature Saanen - Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society
- Nigerian Dwarf - Dairy Goat Society of Australia and Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep and Miniature Goat Breeders Association Australia
- Nuwby - Miniature Goat Breeders Association Australia
- Pygmy Goat - Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society and Miniature Goat Breeders Association Australia
- Saanen - Dairy Goat Society of Australia
- Sable - Dairy Goat Society of Australia
- Toggenburg - Dairy Goat Society of Australia
- Akhal Teke
- American Belgian Draught
- American Saddlebred
- Andalusian
- Appaloosa
- Arabian
- Australian Brumby
- Australian Draught Horse
- Australian Pony
- Australian Stockhorse
- Australian Waler
- Belgian Draught
- Belgian Warmblood
- Caspian
- Cleveland Bay
- Clydesdale
- Coffin Bay Pony
- Connemara
- Costa Rica Saddle Horse
- Curly
- Dales
- Danish Warmblood
- Dartmoor
- Exmoor
- Falabella
- Fell Pony
- Fjord
- Friesian
- Hackney
- Hackney Pony
- Hafflinger
- Hannovarian
- Highland
- Icelandic
- Knabstrupper
- Lippizaner
- Lusitano
- Miniature Horse
- Miniature Pony
- Morgan
- New Forest
- Paint
- Palouse
- Paso Fino
- Percheron
- Peruvian Paso
- Przewalski
- Quarterhorse
- Rocky Mountain Horse
- Shetland
- Shire
- Standardbred
- Suffolk Punch
- Tennessee Walking Horse
- Thoroughbred
- Timor Pony
- Traditional Australian Pony
- Welsh Cob
- Welsh Mountain Pony
- Berkshire
- Duroc
- Hampshire
- Landrace
- Large Black
- Large White
- Tamworth
- Welsh
- Wessex Saddleback
- Aussie Down
- Australian Merino
- Awassi
- Babydoll South Down
- Booroola Leicester
- Booroola Merino
- Border Leicester
- Camden
- Camden Park
- Carpetmaster
- Charolais
- Cheviot
- Comeback
- Coolalee
- Coopworth
- Cormo
- Corriedale
- Damara
- Dohne Merino
- Dorper
- Dorest Down
- Dorest Horn
- Drysdale
- Elliotdale
- English Leicester
- Finnsheep
- Glen Vale
- Gotland
- Gronmark
- Hampshire Down
- Hyfer
- Karakul
- Lincoln
- Perendale
- Persian
- Poll Dorest
- Poll Merino
- Polworth
- Romney
- Romsdown
- Ryeland
- Saxon
- Shrosphire
- Siromeat
- South African Mutton Merino
- South Australian Merino
- South Down
- South Suffolk
- Spanish
- Suffolk
- Tasmanian Merino
- Texel
- Tukidale
- Valais Blacknose
- Waridale
- White Suffolk
- Wilitipol
- Wiltshire Horn
- Wiltshire Poll
- Zenith