Poultry Watchlist 2024

| Poultry Watchlist - Categorised | Poultry Watchlist - Alphabetic |  Meet the Species | Disclaimer, Background and Categories | Privacy | Submit an Update |

The Rare Breeds Trust of Australia thanks all those who made submissions to the 2024 Poultry Watchlist and also thanks those persons RBTA logoespecially in the exhibition poultry community who provided valuable support, advice and encouragement. 

Please note. The Poultry Watchlist identifies the rare categories for breeds and size forms. For rare colours/varieties of chickens and ducks please see the listings of the rare exhibition poultry associations:

Livestock (Cattle, Donkeys, Goats, Horses, Pigs, Sheep) : The Livestock Watchlist can be viewed at this link.

Poultry Watchlist - Categorised

Rare Poultry 2024 Categorised

Poultry Watchlist - Alphabetic

Rare Poultry List 2024 Alpha arranged

Meet the Species

Breed profiles are available on each of the separate poultry species pages:

For a listing of breed associations and relevant poultry associations link to the Poultry Associations page.

Disclaimer, Background and Categories

DISCLAIMER. It is important to note that the Poultry Watchlist is (1) derived from voluntary submissions and (2) unlike other livestock, is unable to draw on breed registration records due to the lack of pure breed registration requirements for poultry. Therefore the rare poultry listings should be considered indicative as opposed to absolute and there may be differences between "on the ground" numbers to numbers reported through the Watchlist. If you have not participated in the 2024 Poultry Watchlist development, you can submit numbers using our online Watchlist update form.


The Rare Breeds Trust of Australia held the 4th National Poultry Census in the period 1 May to 30 June 2024. The purpose of the Census was to identify rare poultry breeds, and their category of threat in Australia. Previous Censuses were held in 2017, 2019, 2021.  The 2024 Census was held over the period 1 May to 30 June.

Breeds included in the 2024 Census were:

  • Breeds in the Australian Poultry Standards Edition 2 (up to and including the 2nd addendum) in each of the five groups of Chickens (Hardfeather and Softfeather), Ducks, Geese, Turkeys and Guinea Fowl.
  • Australian feral/heritage breeds – King Island Turkey, North West Island Feral Fowl.
  • Breeds that are in development and/or have had standards submissions to the APS and/or included in some major poultry shows – for example, Quamby, Welbar.

Numbers for breeding age males and females data was sought as well as data on colour and comb varieties and data on utility strains (eg CSIRO strains).  The submitted colour and variety data (for species other than Turkeys and Guinea Fowl) was incomplete and is not therefore included in the published results. Reference should be made to the lists of the rare poultry associations in Australia for listings of rare varieties of chickens, ducks, and geese.


The 2024 Poultry Watchlist categorises rare poultry into CriticalOf Concern, and Watch groups. These new categories are based on a revised analysis approach for poultry. Please access the link for more detailed information on the 2024 Poultry Categories. 


All participation in the Watchlist development was voluntary. Privacy statements and arrangements are in place such that there is no further use of provided participant names and emails, and that data publication is disaggregated from personal information. The Privacy Statement is available online at https://rarebreedstrustofaustralia.tidyhq.com/public/pages/2024-rare-breeds-trust-of-australia-privacy-statement.

Submit an Update 

If you have a breeding flock and weren't in a position to contribute to the 2024 Poultry Watchlist development you can still provide the RBTA with details. We will collate additional submissions every 6-12 months and update the listing where additional numbers of male and female breeding age birds changes a rare status categorisation. 

Submit your data using the online form.

Our Privacy Statement sets out how we deal with submitted data.