Country of origin : Norway

Australian Status: LOST

International status: Healthy numbers in Norway, estimated at 280,000.

Arrived in Australia: 2000's

Australian Population: Unknown

History: Reports of a couple of pure herds here, but cannot find evidence or if still going or dispersed.

Like many breeds in recent times, brought here as straws. Not known (investigating) if embryos have come in, or live animals. 

Developed in Norway from 1935.

Breed traits: Red and white colour with red usually predominant.  Dairy.

Organisation: None found in Australia but first crosses may enter the Aussie Red register. Can't find any register, perhaps try the International Red Dairy Cattle one (will look later)  although surely must be a studbook in the home country? The modern obssession with genetics (AI) means most sites just feature limited numbers bulls with their various "merit points" listed.

This seems to be the website for the homeland and records herds rather than individuals in a studbook  Norwegian Red and yes genetics genetics and bulls bulls is their obssession, sigh.

Additional Notes: Many genetics companies here sell straws of Norwegian Red bulls so the genetics are widely distributed in our Australian dairy breeds - the first cross can be registered as an Australian Red.  So subsequent cross can be too - so one can see how easily some animals may be upgrades to several generations Norwegian Red if a farmer chooses to stay with that breed. The genetics are also in the new  composite "breed" the Viking Red. It says a lot for this old breed that it's held its own in the conmmerical dairy world although the fashion for red composites sees it disappear in the pure form in most countries, it is kept going in in good numbers indeed in its home land which is heartening. 

Photo : Norwegian Red at the Kings farm, Oslo in the background. Wikimedia Commons.

Still investigating, information welcome.

Page by Janet Lane



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