powered by TidyHQSheep : CHEVIOT
Origin: Cheviot Hills, Northumberland and Scottish Borders. The Cheviot hills run into England and Scotland.
Australian Status:
International Status:
Arrived in Australia: 1832
Australian Population: Ewes: 525 Rams: 26 (2018)
History: The Cheviot Sheep is a very old sheep breed that originates from the English Scottish border region, dating back to around 1372 when they were listed as, "a small but very hardy race over large tracts of the Cheviot Hills." They were not known as Cheviots at this stage, but "long hill sheep" due to the length of their bodies compared to other sheep. During these times Britain was a big wool producer so it is a reasonable assumption that the breed was kept for wool. For centuries, the breeding and improvement of these sheep was in the hands of Monks as the Church owned large tracts of land, and most breeding efforts were focused on wool. During the 15th Century, thousands of Merino sheep were imported from Europe, so it is entirely possible the sheep in the Hills also had some Merino added. In fact, the Cheviot Handbook 1961, also suggests an infusion of Merino. A later addition of Lincoln by Mr James Robson, of Belford, Scotland during the mid-18th century produced a larger, meatier sheep with a heavier fleece. This new, "improved" version soon began to spread across the region.
At around the same time, Sir John Sinclair, was reviewing the merits of each breed with a view to improving native wool. He was very impressed with the long hill sheep and took five hundred of them back to his farm in Caithness, Scotland and so the North Country Cheviot or Scottish Cheviot was born. From then on, the original Cheviot Sheep from the Cheviot Hills were referred to as the South Country Cheviots or Hill Cheviots. A third type later developed when the two were infused, creating the Border Type and a fourth type the Brecknock Hill Cheviot was developed in Wales.
Cheviots were first brought to Australia in 1832, imported to Tasmania by the Van Diemen's Land Co, who brought them to the Surrey Hills, south of Burnie, where they flourished. In 1840 they had increased to 326 head and were surviving better than any other breed.
Cheviots were present in Victoria in the 1860's as a Report of the Ballarat Show of 1868 said, "only one Southdown was exhibited (in the Downs breeds) against the Cheviots", inferring the Cheviots were there in larger numbers. During the 1850's the Van Diemen's Land Company took a change in direction and sold all of its acquired livestock. A Launceston doctor, Dr Grant took many of the leases and in 1856 he acquired a consignment selected from "the purest flock of the Cheviot Hills." Even though Dr Grant promoted and exhibited his Cheviots widely, the breed did not persist in Tasmania. Their last Show appearance may have been at the 1875 Launceston Show and it is likely these Cheviots were descendants of Dr Grant's imports.
It wasn't until 1938 the first Stud was established in South Australia by H.R. Walsh and Co. They and all subsequent imports have come from New Zealand. There have been no Cheviots imported from the United Kingdom in the 20th Century. They became very popular by the late 50's to early 60's but by 1997 there were only 1311 Cheviot ewes registered in the ASBBS Flock Book.
Breed traits: The Cheviot is a dual purpose breed and is extremely hardy. The ancient survival skills that have held them in good stead for so long in the Border Hills are still apparent today..... clean faces ensuring good sight, pricked ears for good hearing, black feet to weather foot rot, to which they are said to be resistant and the ability to thrive in harsh, cold conditions.
The Cheviot fleece is often classified as a Downs fleece due to the characteristic three dimensional or helical crimp. It is the most Scottish of wools being the favoured wool for tartan cloth. It is strong and resilient, perfect for hats, socks and mittens. It has a long staple of around 100-150cm and a micron count in the high twenties to low thirties. Prized by hand spinners, the fleece can be hand or drum carded or each staple simply teased and spun from the staple. It takes dye strongly but does not have the sheen of some of the long wools. A beautiful fluffier yarn can be achieved with the long draw spinning technique.
Uses: Meat and Wool.
Breed Organisation: Cheviot Sheep Breeders Association of Australia http://www.cheviotsheep.com.au/
Additional Notes:
Photo of Cheviots courtesy of Peter Still, taken at Tooborac, 2006